Hi there, today I am going to talk about my first phone the iPhone 5C

So let’s buckle up and get into how this all started

A year ago my uncle gave his iPhone 5C with a broken screen for CarPlay to us .
And it did not work even it was “formatted” ( I will come on to this formatted thing later)

A year later I was planning to use the Apple Watch app with my iPod Touch 6th gen with jailbreaking an Xcode IOS Simulator and getting the Watch.app file.

But sadly the app was piece by piece buried into IOS.

After a while my dad said : – Maybe you should give up and maaaaybe we will fix the old iPhone 5C. At that point I was happy (but not for too long (: ).
So the other day I plugged the iPhone into my Mac and a message popped up saying : (My uncle’s name)’s iPhone, at that point I was thinking so that why CarPlay did not work, I tried Siri but everything I said I got a response like this : Calling requires a SIM card. And I said since I cannot manage it from my Mac because of a passcode lock, I decided to format it ,20 minutes later I formatted it. I quickly plug it into a pc to remote screen and I closed it and went to sleep, for a week I tried and tried but no .

Few weeks later we are looking for screens, hooray.
And yeah we find it and order it .

I admit replacing the screen was hard.

But we did it and i’m using it right now with no SIM and I couldn’t pair the Apple Watch because of WatchOS 4 and IOS 10 and yeah it’s good.
(edit: I have a SIM card now and it is capable of connections up to LTE)

But do not forget that this is a 32 bit device so I cannot go further from IOS 10 and this thing does not have Touch or Face ID.

And jailbreak it. Period.

Thanks for reading

By Nix